"This Aint New York"
"This is my first short film that I wrote directed and shot
Thank you for checking out "This Ain't New York" it's a harsh short film with a message at the end.

The film was shot on a Canon XL2. If you would like to support the film click on the video above or make a donation below, or you can support the film by watching on payed VOD for $1 Here

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Thursday, August 5, 2010

"This Ain't New York" rough cut

A special thanks to artist "Chandra Ursule Brown"

"As a artist this is the hardest thing I ever done"
It has been a life long dream to write direct, shoot and edit my own film, so it give me great pleasure to introduce this teaser of "This Ain't New York" a modern film about the realness of life's struggle, heartbreak and emotional pain.